Our Drinks

9 Super Green Delicious Flavors

Cell-nique Super Green Drink comes in 9 delicious flavors. The same 31 organic superfood ingredients are in every 12 ounce glass bottle. Because “we are all unique from a cellular level (Cell-nique)”, our taste buds change with our moods. We have categorized the flavors into 3 groups for your individual pallets. We suggest you try flavors from all 3 categories because what you crave in the morning to get your day started, may be different in the afternoon when you need a boost of energy to get over that 3:00-4:00 pm slump.

All 9 Flavors of Cell-nique have the same 31 super food base, so pick the flavors that appeals to mood, everyone likes different flavors at different times so try them all, they look similar, because we don’t put artificial colors, but they all taste and smell very different:

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