4-steps Every-Body Needs

1) Nourish the body with 31 Super Foods

Spirulina is the planet’s highest source of beta-carotene and B-12 in any food.  Spirulina contains nucleic acid (RNA/DNA), which regenerates cells and reverses aging. Chlorella is one of the highest sources of chlorophyll in the world. Chlorophyll, with an almost identical molecular structure to hemoglobin, oxygenates the blood, cleansing it of toxins, heavy metals, pesticides and environmental pollutants.

Cell-nique includes Blue-green algae (AFA) harvested in Upper Kalamath Lake, Oregon, It is packed with B-Complex, neuropeptide precursors (which are joined amino acids), lipids, minerals, trace minerals, and essential fatty acids. Barley Grass Juice proteins are polypeptides; smaller proteins that can be directly absorbed by the blood, where they promote cell metabolism and neutralize toxins. Wheat Grass Juice, with high concentrations of mucopolysaccharides, strengthens body tissue, including heart and arteries.

Alfalfa Grass Juice is rich in Vitemans A, B-Complex, C D, E, K, biotin, carotenes, phosphorus, choline, inositol, and many trace minerals.  It’s high in calcium, protein, iron, and fiber. Alfalfa and Barley sprouts are a significant source of isoflavones, which have been shown to lessen menopausal symptoms by balancing low estrogen levels. Oat Sprouts are an excellent source of Silicic Acid, which is known to be very important for the human connective tissue. Seaweeds like North Atlantic Kelp, Bladderwrack and Dulse are packed with vitamin A, B1, C and E, concentrated protein and healthy carbohydrates. They may well be the most nutritionally-packed food on the planet. Specifically, Eckol, a compound hailed as a “super” antioxidant, has been shown to protect lung cells from oxidative damage.

2) Detoxify and Cleanse

Cell-nique’s formula of Super Greens, Fruits and Plant Botanical bathes the body’s cells in vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients and anti-oxidants, fighting free radicals and flushing toxins from the body. Nature’s Cleansers: Super Greens and Super Fruits assist in cleansing the colon of toxins.

A build-up of toxins in the body can result in free radical damage to the cells and cause premature aging and disease. Licorice Root and Garcinia Cambogia soothe and cleanse the colon and support digestion and relief from constipation. Apple supports the lymphatic system; Gotu Kola helps eliminate excessive fluids from the body and supports circulation. Hemp Protein, Whole Apple and the Acai Berry, with high fiber content, improve elimination, which assists detoxification and weight management.

Bilberry, Acai, Grape Seed Extract and Green Tea Extract are some of the highest sources of anti-oxidants available on the planet. Cleansing the colon of old, undigested fecal matter, environmental pollutants, heavy metals and pesticides improves bowel function, restores energy and strengthens the immune system.

3) Alkalinize the body

Green Vegetables have a highly alkalizing effect, which helps keep the ratio between acidity and alkalinity in the body fluids balanced. Healthy cell function depends upon acid and alkaline balance. A Standard American Diet (SAD) of processed foods, animal proteins, white sugar, refined carbohydrates, soft drinks, coffee and artificial sweeteners leaves a toxic, acidic residue in the body. Cell-nique’s alkaline-forming formula of Super Greens promotes and supports ideal blood pH and reduces the need for the body to overwork in neutralizing dietary acidity. A diet high in Super Foods, like those found in Cell-nique supports healthy heart functions and cholesterol levels, healthy joints, strong immune system and nourished cells.

4) Choosing Wisely, Living Consciously

By eating high-quality, nutritious foods, exercising, sleeping well and thinking positively people are able to connect with themselves, their families, and the world.

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